44. Zhou W, Qu A, Cooper KW, Fortin N, Shahbaba B (preprint) A Model-Agnostic Graph Neural Network for Integrating Local and Global Information. :: DOI: https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.13459
41. El-Yaagoubi A, Fortin N, Pinto M, Ombao, H (2023). Smooth Online Parameter Estimation for time-varying VAR models with application to rat brain LFP data. Statistics and Its Interface: 16, 227-257. :: DOI: 10.4310/22-SII729
40. Granados-Garcia G, Fiecas M, Shahbaba B, Fortin N, Ombao H (2022). Brain Waves Analysis Via a Non-Parametric Bayesian Mixture of Autoregressive Kernels. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis: 174, 107409. :: DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2021.107409
39. Gattas S, Elias GA, Janecek J, Yassa MA, Fortin NJ (2022) Proximal CA1 20–40 Hz power dynamics reflect trial-specific information processing supporting nonspatial sequence memory. eLife: 11, e55528. :: DOI: 10.7554/eLife.55528
38. Shahbaba B, Li L, Agostinelli F, Saraf M, Cooper KW, Haghverdian D, Elias GA, Baldi P, Fortin NJ (2022) Hippocampal ensembles represent sequential relationships among an extended sequence of nonspatial events. Nature Communications: 13, 787. :: DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28057-6
We’re very proud of this collaborative work between our teams of neuroscientists and data scientists. Briefly, in this paper we combined complex behavior, electrophysiology, and statistical machine learning methods to uncover nonspatial forms of sequential organization and coding in the hippocampus.
Listen to a brief podcast on the article (Research in 90sec’s — by Sayra Cristancho):
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37. Gao X, Shen W, Zhang L, Hu J, Fortin NJ, Frostig RD, Ombao H (2021) Regularized matrix data clustering and its application to image analysis. Biometrics: 77, 890-902. :: DOI: 10.1111/biom.13354
36. Chen T, Li L, Elias GA, Fortin NJ, Shahbaba B (preprint) Bayesian Neural Decoding Using A Diversity-Encouraging Latent Representation Learning Method. :: http://arxiv.org/abs/1910.05695v1
35. Hu L, Guindani M, Fortin NJ, Ombao H (2020) A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Differential Connectivity in Multi-trial Brain Signals. Econometrics and Statistics: 15, 117-135. :: DOI: 10.1016/j.ecosta.2020.03.009 :: PDF
34. Allen LM, Lesyshyn RA, O'Dell SJ, Allen TA, Fortin NJ (2020) The hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and perirhinal cortex are critical to incidental order memory. Behavioural Brain Research: 379, 112215. :: DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112215 :: PDF
33. Lan S, Holbrook A, Elias GA, Fortin NJ, Ombao H, Shahbaba B (2020) Flexible Bayesian Dynamic Modeling of Correlation and Covariance Matrices. Bayesian Analysis: 15, 1199-1228. :: DOI: 10.1214/19-BA1173 :: PDF
31. Gao X, Shen W, Hu J, Fortin NJ, Ombao H (2019) Modeling Local Field Potentials with Regularized Matrix Data Clustering. International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER. :: DOI: 10.1109/ner.2019.8717132 :: PDF
30. Gao X, Shen W, Shahbaba B, Fortin NJ, Ombao H (2020). Evolutionary state-space model and its application to time-frequency analysis of local field potentials. Statistica Sinica: 30, 1561-1582. :: DOI: 10.5705/ss.202017.0420 :: PDF
29. Hu L, Fortin NJ, Ombao H (2017) Modeling high dimensional multichannel brain signals. Statistics in Biosciences: 11, 1-36. :: DOI: 10.1007/s12561-017-9210-3 :: PDF
28. Ng CW, Elias GA, Asem JSA, Allen TA, Fortin NJ (2018) Nonspatial sequence coding varies along the CA1 transverse axis. Behavioural Brain Research: 354, 39-47. :: DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2017.10.015 :: PDF
27. Holbrook A, Vandenberg-Rodes A, Fortin N, Shahbaba B (2017) A Bayesian supervised dual-dimensionality reduction model for simultaneous decoding of LFP and spike train signals. Stat: 6, 53-67. :: DOI: 10.1002/sta4.137 :: PDF
26. Asem JSA, Fortin NJ (2017) Memory for Space, Time and Episodes. In R. Menzel (Ed.), Learning Theory and Behavior. Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 4 vols. (J. Byrne Editor), pp. 255-283. Elsevier, Oxford. :: DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-809324-5.21015-8
24. Allen TA, Morris AM, Stark SM, Fortin NJ, Stark CEL (2015) Memory for sequences of events impaired in typical aging. Learning & Memory: 22, 138-48. :: PDF
23. Allen TA, Morris AM, Mattfeld AT, Stark CEL, Fortin NJ (2014) A Sequence of Events Model of Episodic Memory Shows Parallels in Rats and Humans. Hippocampus: 24, 1178-88. :: PDF
22. MacDonald CJ, Fortin NJ, Sakata S, Meck WH (2014) Retrospective and prospective views on the role of the hippocampus in interval timing and memory for elapsed time. Timing and Time Perception: 2, 51-61. :: PDF
21. Allen TA, Fortin NJ (2013b) Reply to Rattenborg and Martinez-Gonzalez: Fundamental and divergent aspects of the neurobiology of episodic memory. PNAS: 110, E3742. :: PDF
20. Jacobs NS, Allen TA, Nguyen N, Fortin NJ (2013) Critical role of the hippocampus in memory for elapsed time. Journal of Neuroscience: 33, 13888-13893. :: PDF
19. Allen TA, Fortin NJ (2013a) The evolution of episodic memory. PNAS: 110, 10379-10386. :: PDF
18. Snigdha S, Milgram NW, Willis SL, Albert M, Weintraub S, Fortin NJ, Cotman CW (2013) A preclinical cognitive test battery to parallel the National Institute of Health Toolbox in humans: bridging the translational gap. Neurobiology of Aging: 34, 1891-1901. :: PDF
17. Feinberg LM, Allen TA, Ly D, Fortin NJ (2012) Recognition memory for social and non-social odors: Differential effects of neurotoxic lesions to the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory: 97, 7-16. :: PDF
16. Eichenbaum H, Sauvage MM, Fortin NJ, Robitsek RJ, Komorowski RW (2012) A comparative analysis of episodic memory: cognitive mechanisms and neural substrates. In Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence (Eds. E. Wasserman, T. Zentall). Oxford Univ Press.
15. Eichenbaum H, Sauvage MM, Fortin NJ, Komorowski RW, Lipton PA (2012) Towards a functional organization of episodic memory in the medial temporal lobe. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews: 36, 1597-1608. :: PDF
14. Eichenbaum H, Fortin NJ (2011) The Neurobiology of memory-based predictions. In Predictions in the brain: Using our past to generate a future (Ed. M Bar). Oxford University Press.
13. Eichenbaum H, Fortin NJ, Sauvage MM, Robitsek RW, Farovik A (2010) An animal model of amnesia that uses Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis to distinguish recollection from familiarity deficits in recognition memory. Neuropsychologia: 48, 2281-2289. :: PDF
12. Eichenbaum H, Fortin NJ (2009) The neurobiology of memory based predictions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: 364, 1183-1191. :: PDF
11. Sauvage MM, Fortin NJ, Owens CB, Yonelinas AP, Eichenbaum H (2008) Recognition memory: opposite effects of hippocampal damage on recollection and familiarity. Nature Neuroscience: 11, 16-18. :: PDF
10. Fortin NJ (2008) Navigation and episodic-like memory in mammals. In R. Menzel (Ed.), Learning Theory and Behavior. Vol. 1 of Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 4 vols. (J.Byrne Editor), pp. 385-418. Elsevier, Oxford.
9. Eichenbaum H, Fortin NJ, Ergorul C, Robitsek RJ (2008) Toward a neurobiology of episodic memory. In Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience (Eds: Dere E, Easton A, Nadel L, Huston JP), Vol 18 (Handbook of Episodic Memory), Pages 283-300. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
8. Robitsek RJ, Fortin NJ, Koh MT, Gallagher M, Eichenbaum H (2008) Cognitive aging: a common decline in episodic recollection and spatial memory in rats. Journal of Neuroscience: 28, 8945-8954. :: PDF
7. Eichenbaum H, Sauvage MM, Fortin NJ, Yonelinas AP (2008) ROCs in rats? Response to Wixted and Squire. Learning and Memory: 15, 691-693. :: PDF
6. Eichenbaum H, Fortin NJ (2005) Bridging the gap between brain and behavior: cognitive and neural mechanisms of episodic memory. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior: 84, 619-629. :: PDF
5. Eichenbaum, Fortin, Ergorul, Wright, Agster (2005) Episodic recollection in animals: “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…” Learning and Motivation: 36, 190-207. :: PDF
4. Fortin NJ, Wright SP, Eichenbaum H (2004) Recollection-like memory retrieval in rats is dependent on the hippocampus. Nature: 431, 188-191. :: PDF
3. Eichenbaum H, Fortin NJ (2003) Episodic memory and the hippocampus: It’s about time. Current Directions in Psychological Science: 12, 53-56. :: PDF
2. Agster KL*, Fortin NJ*, Eichenbaum H (2002) The hippocampus and disambiguation of overlapping sequences. Journal of Neuroscience: 22, 5760-5768. *Equal contribution :: PDF
1. Fortin NJ, Agster KL, Eichenbaum H (2002) Critical role of the hippocampus in memory for sequences of events. Nature Neuroscience: 5, 458-462. :: PDF